My son is 42 yrs old with mental deficiencies from birth. He is drawing Disabled Adult benefits from his father. He is deceased.
Are there income limits? He is working for Goodwill Ability program 55hrs every 2 weeks.
Thank you.
Yes, there are rules limiting earned income. Disabled Adult Child's (DAC) benefits are subject to the same work and earnings rules as other Social Security disability benefits. A beneficiary receiving disability benefits is allowed a 9-month trial work period (TWP) during which their benefits continue regardless of how much they earn. And, there is a minimum monthly amount that changes each year that the person must earn before it counts as a TWP month.
Once a person's TWP is completed, they can continue receiving disability benefits as long as they don't earn more than the substantial gainful activity (SGA) guideline for that year. The current SGA guideline is $1,180 per month. For more information about working while receiving disability benefits, refer to this Social Security publication:
Best, Jerry