Ask Larry

Can An Ex-Wife Draw On Her Ex's Federal Pension?

Can an ex wife draw on her ex spouse's federal
Pension.He did remarry but his wife at the time of his death had signed off to not receive his pension. Is there anything she can draw on him through va?if someone could call me I would be forever greatful we are struggling just to pay her rent she is now 83 and they was married for at least 20 years.
I also have a question on my ss disability..
Thank you

Hi Tammi,

I think that's possible under certain circumstances, but my only area of expertise is Social Security benefits. I can only tell you that if a person does receive a Federal pension based on someone else's government service, it would have no effect on their Social Security benefits. You may want to try contacting the Office of Personnel Management:

We don't answer questions by telephone, but if you'd like to submit your other question about disability benefits via this forum I'll be happy to try to answer it for you.

Best, Jerry

Feb 5 2018 - 9:42am
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