Ask Larry

Can The Government Stop Paying My Benefits?

I am currently 67 years old, I receive $1543.00 a month for social security benefits....My question is can the government reduce or stop my benefits at anytime. The way the government is talking about stopping social security in the near future...are they talking about new benefactors or can they stop my benefits.....I am very concerned being that it is my only income,except for a small pension of $54.04 a am I supposed to pay rent...etc to live.. We have not had a raise for a while now....I am extremely concerned.....


If you're already entitled to benefits, there's likely no reason that the government would stop paying you. Theoretically, your checks could be stopped if you were deported, but there are very few circumstances under which the government would stop paying your benefits. Nor would they be likely to reduce the amount of your benefits unless it was determined that your benefit rate was miscalculated, which is extremely rare.

Best, Jerry

Oct 28 2017 - 7:52am
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