I am 62. Still working part time
My husband passed away 7 years ago..
Can I collect on my SS which is less than my husbands?
And then switch to his SS , which is more, when I reached retirement age.
Thanks in advance
I'm sorry for your loss.
Yes, you can potentially file for reduced retirement benefits at age 62 and then get unreduced widow's benefits at your full retirement age. However, in some cases it's better to file for reduced widow's benefits first, and then switch to your own record at age 70. Also, the Social Security earnings test (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/whileworking2.html) could limit the amount of benefits you can receive prior to full retirement age.
The maximization software available on this website is fully programmed to handle situations like yours, so you may want to use it in order to make sure that you choose the best filing strategy.
Best, Jerry