Ask Larry

Can I Get My Deceased Father's Social Security?

My father just passed last week and he claimed me as a dependent and I'm 59 so can I get his Social Security ?

Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. No one can be paid a deceased person's actual Social Security benefits or their contributions (i.e. Social Security taxes) to the program. Nor would the fact that your father claimed you as a dependent for tax purposes make you eligible for Social Security benefits.

The only way that you could collect survivor benefits based on your father's Social Security earnings record is if you can qualify for disabled adult child's (DAC) benefits. DAC benefits can potentially be paid to a child of the deceased who is age 18 or older, provided that the child has been continuously disabled since prior to age 22 ( If you think that you may qualify for DAC benefits you can initiate the application process by calling Social Security.

Best, Jerry

Feb 22 2021 - 12:02pm
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