I been collecting ssdi...well my lying cheating husband moved out without divorcing me. I can't afford to get divorced. I've only been a waitress so my $$ r not enough being alone...now I'm battling lung cancer and this prick is out living high on hog with a inheritance. Refuses help...I need help cancer is expensive. He's been in body work for 40+ yrs so has the ss benefits way better than mine..we r still married 16 years...can I dump my benefits and get his?? Please help
Thank you for any help or info
You can't receive early spousal benefits based on a disability, and you would not want to stop your disability payments since those benefits are unreduced. You must be at least age 62 to qualify for an excess reduced spousal benefit, and your husband would have to be receiving his benefits in order for you to be eligible (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/applying6.html).
Best, Jerry