I am 69 years old, born in 1948. I started collecting my FRA social security benefits at age 67 and am still working. My wife is going to be 67 in April. She is still working and has not applied for her FRA social security benefits. Can she apply now for spousal benefits from my social security and later file for hers.
Yes, and it sounds like she would want to file for the spousal benefits without further delay. In fact, your wife almost certainly should have started drawing the spousal benefits as soon as she reached age 66. Spousal benefits do not increase if you wait past full retirement age to start drawing them, and filing for just spousal benefits only would not adversely affect your wife's own retirement benefit rate when she eventually files for those benefits.
Since your wife reached FRA more than 6 months ago and since you've been drawing your benefits during that time, she can and should claim 6 months of retroactive spousal benefits when she applies.
Best, Jerry