Ask Larry

Can My Wife In Mexico Be Paid Spousal Benefits If I Die?

If my wife whom I married 10 years ago never lived in the U. S. for the reason she was deported back to Mexico when I married her. She was illegally her in the
U. S. She was denied entrance to the U. S. When she applied. I am 86 years old now and she is her very early 50's. Will she qualify for spousal benefits if I pass away? I send her money every month to Mexico since I am obligated to support her as a husband.


No, as long as your wife remains in Mexico it doesn't sound like she could be paid either spousal or survivor benefits from your Social Security record. The U.S. doesn't have a Social Security agreement with Mexico, so the only way that a Mexican citizen residing in that country could be paid spousal or survivor benefits from Social Security is if they lived together with their spouse in the United States for at least five years (

Best, Jerry

Feb 12 2020 - 7:39am
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