Ask Larry

Can The Supreme Court Overrule Social Security's 10-Year Marriage Rule?

Can the supreme court overruled Social Security and the 10-Year Marriage Rule
We were married for 7 years but lived together for 27 years. In the state of Missouri. I dedicate my life and now struggle to maintain a living.

Can I gave a quadro written over. There are parts of my quadro that are not filed in. So there seen as silent. And it prevents me from receiving spouse benefits under ford motor company. They are considered silent


Federal courts can't create or change laws, they just interpret and enforce existing laws. The Social Security Act was passed into law by the U.S. Congress, and only Congress can amend the Social Security Act.

You must have been married for at least 10 years in order to be eligible for divorced spousal or surviving divorced spousal benefits. However, you only need to have been married for 9 months to potentially qualify for widow(er) benefits if your marriage ends in death. I don't know enough about your situation to offer you advice, but if you apply for Social Security benefits and your claim is disallowed, you would have the right to appeal ( If you pursued all of the possible stages of appeal, then your case could at least in theory end up in the Supreme Court.

I'm sorry, but I don't know what your second question refers to. Also, my expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, and I don't know anything about benefits available from the Ford Motor Co.

Best, Jerry

Aug 26 2020 - 5:20pm
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