Due to the requirements of a private disability plan I had to take social security disability early at age 65.5. I was planning to take 'ss at age 70. When I turned 66 the payments switched from disability to normal SS benefits. I get approximately 2600 per month ( pre medicare deduction). My wife is 63 and turns 64 on October 21 of this year. She will receive approximately 2,200 per month at full retirement. (1849 at age 63) The disability I was on which triggered the payments is leukemia and there is a chance I will be deceased in the next few months. I thought it was better for my wife to wait to her full retirement age before she took widows benefits but based on your column above I'm no longer sure. Can you advise? Also is there any benefit to waiting to either she or I would have been 70 b3fore she takes benefits
I'm sorry to hear about your illness.
Based on benefit rates cited in your question, it sounds like your wife would want to wait until age 66 and then file for just spousal benefits only on your record. She could then switch to her own record at age 70 and receive 32% more than if she filed at age 66, or around $2904/mo. if her full retirement rate is $2200. If you die when she is between 66 & 70, her spousal benefits would convert to widow's benefits at your full rate.
If you die before your wife reaches age 66, she should likely file for widow's benefits either immediately or as soon as her earnings would permit payment of at least some benefits. Since she would be switching to her own higher rate at age 70, she would want to maximize the total amount that she could receive from your record before switching to her own record.
You and your wife should strongly consider using the maximization software available on this website to explore your options and determine your likely best filing strategy.
Best, Jerry