My 65 year old (1955) husband of 30 years is receiving SSDI. I am 64 years old (1956) and not started collecting SS. I am receiving a taxable pension of $850.00. Everyone tells me to take SS but I wanted to wait until I reach 70 as I’m in good health. Any suggestions? Thank you.
My only suggestion would be to consider using our software ( to analyze your various options so that you can decide the best time to start drawing your benefits.
One thing I can tell you is that since you were born after January 1 1954, you couldn't file for spousal benefits without also being required to file for your own benefits at the same time. And, vice versa. So, whenever you choose to file you could only be paid essentially the higher of either your own benefit rate or your spousal rate.
If the pension you receive is based on your earnings that weren't subject to Social Security taxes, it could cause you to receive a lower Social Security benefit rate. That would be due to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), which is explained in the following Social Security publication: Our software can handle both WEP and non-WEP calculations.
Best, Jerry