Ask Larry

Is Filing and Suspending Necessary before Filing for a Spousal Beneift?

Hi, Both my wife and I are 66 and we both work. I am drawing my benefit and my wife is getting ready to file. Does my wife have the option to suspend her benefit until she is 70 and draw 1/2 of my benefit? If she has that option, will it reduce my monthly benefit, or will I receive my full benefit and she receives half of mine? Thanks, Leo

Leo, it would make no sense for your wife to file for and suspend her retirement benefit before filing for her spousal benefit. If she did so, she'd only be eligible for her excess, not her full, spousal benefit which could be very small or $0. She could file for her spousal benefit and simply delay filing for her retirement benefit until 70. Doing so would not reduce your retirement benefit. Our software can determine the your maximized strategy. Thanks, John

Jul 7 2016 - 10:30pm
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