Ask Larry

How Much Will My Spousal Benefit Be?

I will reach my full social security retirement age (66) in mid-November, 2017 and have not yet begun collecting social security benefits. My wife will turn 66 in early February, 2018, but she began claiming social security benefits early at age 63. Since we both reached age 62 prior to 01/01/2016, I understand I can file for benefits later this year upon reaching age 66, but restrict my application to receive only spousal benefits. My questions are as follows: 1) will the spousal benefit I receive be 50% of my wife's reduced benefit amount (for her having begun collecting benefits early), or will it be 50% of what she would have received if she had waited until her full retirement age to begin collecting benefits? and 2) how far in advance of my 66th birthday (in mid-November, 2017) should I submit my restricted application?
Thank you!


If you file for spousal benefits only at full retirement age, you'll receive 50% of your wife's full retirement age rate (PIA), rather than 50% of her reduced rate.

You can file an application up to 4 months prior to your month of entitlement, but you don't need to file that far in advance. A month or two in advance should work fine.

Best, Jerry

May 10 2017 - 9:54am
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