Ask Larry

How Would You Know If You're Getting The Full Amount Of SSD Or SSI?

I would like to know, how would you know if you’re getting the full amount of SSD Or SSI that you should receive? Is there a way of getting more?


Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits are based on an average of a variable number of the disabled person's earnings years depending on their age at the time they became disabled. The computation formula is very complex (, so you probably wouldn't be able to calculate your correct rate on your own.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs based program that supplements an eligible person's other income up to a maximum federal level. The current 2020 maximum SSI amount for individuals is $783, but factors such as a person's marital status, living arrangements, and other income can effect the actual amount of SSI benefits that they can be paid. Determining SSI eligibility and benefit rates can also be quite complicated, so there's really no easy way to verify that you're receiving the correct amount.

About the only thing that would cause you to get more SSDI or SSI benefits is if there's a Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA), although a person's SSDI benefit rate could also potentially increase if they return to work and have high enough earnings to raise their SSDI rate.

If you think that your SSDI or SSI payment amount is incorrect, you may want to consider filing an appeal ( Appeals must normally be filed within 60 days of a determination, though, but that deadline can sometimes be extended for good cause. Or, you could contact Social Security and ask them to explain in detail how your benefit rate was computed.

Best, Jerry

Aug 22 2020 - 10:01am
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