I have been disabled since I was 21. My father died years ago and just found out that I may be eligible for DAC benefits. Social security never informed me of this. I got a CDR in 2019 and they approved and never have brought up applying for a DAC. If I apply now will I get another CDR because of the DAC application. I read that it will but wanted to ask you too. Thanks
Hi. Applying for disabled adult child (DAC) benefits wouldn't necessarily cause a continuing disability review (CDR) of the benefits you currently receive. The only way that it would is if something discovered during your application process indicates that you may no longer be medically classified as disabled for benefit purposes.
If you're currently receiving Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits and if your disability onset date was prior to age 22, it's possible that that determination could be adopted to approve you for DAC benefits. However, there are other entitlement factors that must be met for DAC eligibility (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.04/handbook-0410.html), so I can't tell you whether or not you'll qualify.
The only way to find out if you're eligible for DAC benefits is to apply for them and get a formal determination from Social Security. And, you'll probably want to do so ASAP since there is a 6 month limit on payment of retroactive benefits.
Best, Jerry