Ask Larry

If I Don't Have Enough Quarters To Receive SS, How Is Medicare Paid For?

I’m 60 years old. Retired law enforcement officer from the state of Nevada. I receive my retirement from our state PERS ( public employees retirement system).
I lack four quarters to receive SS. If I choose not to work to complete my four quarters how is Medicare paid for?
Thank you.

Hi. People who are insured for Social Security benefits based on their own earnings history or on the earnings record of a spouse or parent, and Medicare qualified government employees (MQGE), can get Part A of Medicare premium free. But, if you don't qualify for premium free Part A of Medicare, you can still enroll for that coverage when you reach age 65 if you're willing to pay a monthly premium. The current Part A monthly premium rate is $506, but it's only $278 per month for people who have at least 30 quarters (QC) of Social Security coverage.

Everyone who chooses to enroll in Part B of Medicare must pay for that coverage regardless of whether or not they are insured for Social Security benefits. So, you would need to pay the same amount for that coverage regardless of whether or not you have enough work credits to be insured for Social Security benefits. The current standard monthly premium amount for Part A of Medicare is $164.90, but higher premium rates apply for people in higher income brackets. For more information, refer to the following Medicare website:

It sounds like you may want to consider using our software ( to find out how much your Social Security benefit rate would be if you earn the additional QCs needed to make you eligible for benefits.

Best, Jerry

Mar 12 2023 - 7:24pm
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