I got a bill for 6 months of Medicare and paid it, then my SS benefits began and they are deducting Medicare from my benefits, That was 8 months ago and I have not received a refund even though I have called twice to ask for the refund and my account shows a balance of the full amount of the payment. Is there anything I can do to get my $850.50 back? Thank you.
Hi. It sounds like you've already done the things that I would normally suggest. In my experience, duplicate Part B premium payments were automatically refunded by Social Security within a few months, but that apparently hasn't worked in your case. The only other thing I could suggest doing would be to ask for help from the office of either your U.S. Representative or one of your U.S. Senators. Sometimes an inquiry made by a congressperson or senator on behalf of a constituent can speed up the resolution of a problem.
Best, Jerry