Ask Larry

Will My Wife's UK Pension Affect Her Spousal Benefit Due To WEP?

Hello Larry

Both my wife and I worked in the US for a while. My wife did not pay enough SS contributions to be eligible for SS benefits. I however paid full contributions and am currently receiving SS benefits and my wife is also receiving SS benefits as a spouse based on my contributions. We are both coming up to UK State pension age and I understand this will trigger the WEP and will reduce my SS benefits. Our question is will my wife's UK pension affect her spousal SS benefits due to WEP


Hi. No. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) only affects Social Security retirement and disability (SSDI) benefits, not spousal or survivor benefits. However, since unreduced spousal benefits are calculated based on 50% of the worker's primary insurance amount (PIA), if your PIA is reduced due to WEP that will also cause your wife's spousal benefit rate to be reduced.

Best, Jerry

Jan 12 2023 - 12:11pm
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