Ask Larry

Can I File Now To Start My Benefits In May?

Hi Larry. I am approaching 70 YOA in July, 2023. As I was born prior to Jan 1, 1954 I have been receiving half my husband's FRA benefit after he filed a few months after his FRA. He was also born prior to Jan 1, 1954. I'm very concerned about the current debt ceiling stalemate in Congress and I'm thinking of filing to receive benefits starting in May rather than July. Sort of getting my request on the record before they start cutting benefits. Can I file now in March to start in May? Do you thing this is a good idea? It would only cost be about $350 annually. Thanks very much. Ellen

Hi Ellen, Yes, you could file now and to switch to your own benefits in May, but I don't think that concerns about the debt ceiling should cause you to do so. Social Security has never failed to pay all of the benefits that they are obligated to pay, and I don't have any reason to think that would change regardless of Congressional haggling over the debt ceiling.

Your best strategy depends on a number of different variables, so before deciding on what to do you should strongly consider using our software ( to fully compare and analyze all of your options so that you can make the best possible choice on when to switch to your own benefits.

Best, Jerry

Mar 6 2023 - 3:41pm
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