Ask Larry

How Much Would My Wife Receive?

Thanks for answering my general question. To help me get a better understanding, I would like to use actual numbers. My wife is 66 and has been receiving her own benefit since age 63. Her reduced benefit is $585 and her full PIA is $726. I am 62 and my reduced benefit would be $2175 and full PIA of $2775. Using these numbers how would I calculate my wife's excess spousal benefit if I filed right now?
Thanks for the help with the math.


You'd simply divide your PIA in half, then subtract your wife's PIA. The resulting excess spousal benefit based on your figures would be $661.50 (i.e. $2775/2 - $726). That would then be added to your wife's own reduced rate of $585 to give her a combined benefit amount of $1246.50, which would be rounded down to $1246.

Best, Jerry

Apr 26 2017 - 6:55am
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