Hello, I am 66 years old, as of July 8, 2017. I have been collecting survivors benefits from deceased ex husband since last year. I intended to receive this benefit until age 70, and then start receiving my own benefit. I was warned not to make over $15,000 per year, or they will reduce my benefit. Firstly, let me know if this is correct. Next, please let me know at what age I can collect rental income from a property I own, without reducing the benefit. Thank you for any help you can give. It is much appreciated.
Hi Colleen,
No, that isn't correct. Since you have now reached full retirement age, you can draw your survivor benefits no matter how much you earn (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/whileworking2.html). And, rental income would have no effect on your benefits regardless of your age.
Best, Jerry