I will reach full retirement shortly and intend to
apply for spousal benefits on line. Currently, I pay for my Medicare benefits manually
by check every 3 months. On the SS application there is a question do I want to enroll
in Medicare part B?. As I already have part B, how shall I answer this question?. I wish
to have the premiums automatically deducted from SS payments. I also want to be careful to avoid being double dipped for Medicare part B payments manually and
automatically. Please advise.Thank you
I believe that you should answer that question 'yes', as a 'no' might be interpreted as an indication that you want to cancel your Part B coverage. I've never heard of this resulting in duplicate Medicare coverage.
When your spousal benefit entitlement starts, your Medicare number will change to your spouse's SSN followed by the letter 'B'. You'll get a new Medicare card and your premiums will automatically start being deducted from your checks. Sometimes premiums are withheld for months that you have already paid in advance due to quarterly billing, but these duplicate premiums should automatically be refunded to you in fairly short order.
Best, Jerry