Hello Larry
My wife (64) is on SS disability. I will be 66 shortly can I collect spousal benefits on her SS disability, and let my SS benefits grow until I'm 70?
Thanks Art
Hi Art,
Probably. Since you were apparently born prior to January 2 1954 you would be permitted to file for just spousal benefits only while letting your own rate grow, but there's a special family maximum benefit (FMB) formula on disability accounts that could limit how much if any spousal benefits could be paid from your wife's account (https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/COLA/dibfamilymax.html). This would likely only affect you if your wife's disability benefit rate is relatively low, though.
If the special FMB would limit your spousal rate your wife could switch to regular retirement benefits when you reach age 66. That would permit you to receive a full spousal benefit, but it would also reduce the monthly rate that your wife would receive until she reaches her FRA. You may want to consider using our maximization software to compare your options and determine your best strategy.
Best, Jerry