I will be turning 66 in July, 2019. If I start collecting ss in Jan or Feb.2019..will I be able to collect all my ss and work full time without reduction in ss benefit.
No. First of all, your full retirement age benefit rate (PIA, or primary insurance amount) would be reduced by 5/9ths of 1% for each month that you start drawing your benefits prior to July 2019. And, there is a limit on how much you could earn in the months January through June of 2019 without losing at least some of your benefits for those months to the Social Security earnings test (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/whileworking.html). In 2018, the exempt amount that a person can earn in the months prior to the month they reach full retirement age (FRA) without losing any benefits is $45,360, but the exempt amount is adjusted annually.
Before deciding when to file for your benefits, you should strongly consider using our maximization software to compare your options and determine your optimal strategy.
Best, Jerry