Larry hi how do I go about getting the info to receive unclaimed money that social security might owe is there a form to be filled. Please let me know.
I have no idea what you might be referring to. If you saw an advertisement alluding to 'unclaimed money' that Social Security may owe you, I would advise you to be skeptical.
The only way that you might have money coming from Social Security is if you qualify for benefits, or if you are the spouse, child, parent or legal representative of the estate of someone who died before receiving a benefit payment that was due to them. And, if you could qualify for benefits or for someone else's underpayment, you would need to file an application for such benefits. Each benefit type (e.g. retirement, disability, widow) has it's own application form, so the form to be used depends on the type of benefit for which you are filing.
If you think that you might be eligible for benefits from Social Security, you would need to contact them about filing an application. Or, you could use our software to determine what benefits (if any) that you may be eligible for and when.
Best, Jerry