I am 66, still working as a teacher and have not claimed any SS benefits. My wife is 55 and on full disability due to 5 major back/neck surgeries. We have custody and are raising her two grandchildren ages 10 and 12. Can I claim "spousal benefits " on her SSDI while I continue to teach? Would we be eligible to collect child-n-care benefits on my Social Security if I went ahead and filed but suspended my own benefits until age 70? At the time when we thought we life would be a little less hectic, we have found that raising two children in school, sports, etc. is certainly expensive, so we can use any support that we can get. It hurts my wife that she can't work and somehow help support them.
If you were born prior to January 2 1954, then yes you could potentially claim spousal benefits on your wife's record while letting your own benefit rate grow until age 70. You certainly wouldn't want for file for and suspend your own benefits in that event, though, because that would prevent you from being paid spousal benefits (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/suspendfaq.html).
But. if you were born after January 1 1954, then the only way you could draw spousal benefits while letting your own benefit rate grow is if you qualify for child-in-care (CIC) spousal benefits. To qualify for CIC spousal benefits you would need to have a child in your care who qualifies for benefits on your wife's record. Your grandchildren could only qualify for child's benefits on your wife's account if they're adopted, or if both of the children's natural parents were either deceased or disabled when your wife became eligible for benefits.
You may want to strongly consider using our software (https://maximizemysocialsecurity.com/purchase) to fully explore and compare all of your various options so that you can determine the best possible strategy for claiming your benefits.
Best, Jerry