Ask Larry

Doesn't Social Security Owe Me Back Payments To 2018?

I applied for benefits in 2018. Social Security lost my paperwork about 3 times and misled me into applying for spousal benefits, which was ultimately denied. Doesn't Social Security owe me back payments all the way back to 2018 when I originally applied? It is not my fault that Social Security lost my paperwork and forced me to go through the lengthy spousal benefits process. Please send me the link to where I should pick up your answer. Thank you so much!


I can't answer your question because I have no way of knowing whether or not you qualified for benefits, nor whether or not you filed a valid application. If you did file a valid application in 2018 for any benefits that you were qualified for, then you may be eligible for back pay from Social Security. But, if Social Security's records don't reflect that you filed an application, then you'd likely need to prove that you did.

Best, Jerry

Jun 4 2020 - 11:54am
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