Ask Larry

Is There A Maximum Amount Of Wages A Person Can Earn, And Is Unemployment Considered Wages?

I started receiving my FRA benefits in January 2020. I also worked PT until the pandemic hit and I got laid off. so I worked 3 months and now I am collecting unemployment.
I there a maximum in wages one can earn and is unemployment income considered wages?
I am concerned about my tax return situation.
Thank you


For Social Security purposes, unemployment insurance payments are considered as unearned income. In other words, no, they don't count as wages. Receiving unemployment benefits does not affect a person's Social Security benefits regardless of their age, and once you reach full retirement age (FRA) there's no limit on how much you can earn and still be paid all of your benefits.

My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, though, so I can't give you any advice regarding taxes or taxation of Social Security benefits (

Best, Jerry

Aug 7 2020 - 12:21pm
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