Good Day,
Can my wife who is receiving spousal SS retirement benefits on my record continue spousal benefits for the rest of her life or will she be forced to get benefits on her own record when she turns 70? She did file the application as restricted to spousal benefits only. Thank you.
Yes, your wife can continue to draw spousal benefits for as long as both of you are living. Her spousal benefits would automatically convert to widow's benefits if you die before her, though. If your wife was born prior to January 2 1954 and she filed for spousal benefits only at her full retirement age (FRA) or later, she's under no obligation to ever file for her own Social Security retirement benefits. There's probably no reason for your wife to file for her own benefits unless they'd be higher than her spousal benefit rate, but if her own rate is higher she'd want to start drawing her own benefits no later than at age 70.
Best, Jerry