Ask Larry

Can I Do Anything To Receive More Money?

I started getting ssdi in 1996 my amount I get now is $658.00 a month is it because I didn't work very long and when I did it was $3.69 anhour working at target and Meijer in 96 I got sick with ms can I do anything to receive more .money

Hi. Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits benefits are based on an average of a variable number of a person's highest years of wage-indexed earnings, so the only way that you could potentially increase your SSDI rate is by replacing one or more years of higher earnings. Assuming that's not possible, then you're probably stuck with your current rate for life since SSDI benefits convert to regular retirement benefits at your full retirement age (FRA).

Social Security does administer a needs based benefit called Supplemental Security Income (SSI), though. If you don't have much if any income other than your SSDI benefits and if you have less than $2000 in assets other than a car and a home, you might want to check with Social Security to see if you could qualify for SSI benefits.

You don't mention your marital history, so I don't know if it would be possible for you to qualify for benefits on a spouse or ex-spouse's record.

Best, Jerry

Mar 29 2021 - 11:59am
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