My husband paid 3 months Medicare Part B premium in January 2021 (for February, March, and April) and then went on Medicare which has been automatically deducting the premiums monthly (including for those three months). It is now August 2021, and no sign of a refund of the 3 month premium which has been, in effect, paid twice. Supposedly if we just sit on our thumbs it will come to us but I am now considerably doubtful. Who do we write to?
Hi. That's disappointing to hear. In my experience, Social Security has been good about refunding duplicate Medicare premiums timely. Your experience may indicate a downward trend in that regard, though.
In any case, about all you can do is contact Social Security and ask them to resolve the problem. I would call instead of writing, though, since I think a letter might not be acted on any time soon what with most of Social Security's employees currently still working from home. If you've already contacted Social Security or if they don't fix the issue, then you may want to contact the offices of your U.S. congressperson or one of your U.S. senators. An inquiry to Social Security from a member of Congress can often expedite matters.
Best, Jerry