Ask Larry

Can I File Now At Age 70+ And Collect My Benefits Retroactively To My FRA?

Hi Larry!
My age is 70 and 9 months,retirement benefits will be $560,l have not apply so far.I am a uber driver keep working until 3-30-20 due to covid-19 receiving PUA(pandemic unemployment assistance) until 9-4-21.
1.can I collect my own social security benefits start from when I reached my FRA(66 year old),get a lump sum payment Of 4 years or part but more than 6 months Retroactively?
2.I'm eligible to apply my ex-wife benefits.can I apply my own retroactively benefits and then switch to her 50% benefits at the same time? Because her income is w-2,I worry if I apply her retroactively benefits maybe due to me receiving PUA before 9-4-21,some benefits will be deducted or reduced.
3.If I apply for my own retroactively benefits and then switch to her 50% in the same time apply is not allowed, may I apply my own retroactively benefits first and when can I apply to switch to her 50% benefits?

Looking forward to an early reply!

Thank you very much!!

Hi. The answer to your first question is no. You can apply for retroactive benefits, but the farthest back that you can claim benefits is 6 months prior to the month that you file your application. There is no advantage to waiting until after the month you reach age 70 to claim Social Security retirement benefits.

If you qualify for divorced spousal benefits that are higher than your own benefits, then you should definitely file for those benefits ASAP. You could also apply for your own benefits, but you can only be paid the higher of the two benefit rates. Either way, the maximum amount of retroactive benefits that you can be paid is 6 months from the month of your application.

It would not increase either your own benefit rate nor your divorced spousal rate if you file for one benefit first and delay filing for the other benefit, so it sounds like you should file ASAP for the higher benefit and claim the maximum 6 months of retroactivity.

Best, Jerry

Sep 29 2021 - 8:00pm
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