Ask Larry

Is There Any Advantage To Claim My Wife's Child In Care Spousal Benefits Retroactively?

Hi Larry,
I filed for benefits at my FRA in Aug 2020 (age 66). My wife and disabled son also received benefits at this time based on my record (limited by our family maximum). My wife has no previous social security record of her own and my son was converted from SSI to social security benefits at the time of filing.

Is there any advantage to go back and file for the ‘Child-in-Care’ Spousal benefit retroactively?
Is there a suspend my retirement strategy until age 70 that would benefit from our filing for this ‘Child-in-Care’ spousal benefit?

Thank you so much for the work that you do to bring light to this murky business of social security retirement.

Hi. Neither your wife nor your child could be paid benefits from your record for any months prior to the first month of your benefit entitlement. Therefore, claiming child in care spousal benefits retroactively isn't an option, assuming that your wife started drawing benefits when you did.

You could voluntarily suspend your benefits between now and age 70, but if you do so your wife and child's benefits will also be suspended. Suspending your benefits would increase your benefit rate by 2/3rds of 1% for each month that you suspend your benefits, but it would not increase your child's or your wife's benefit rates when your payments are resumed.

Best, Jerry

Feb 15 2022 - 6:12pm
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