I applied on line for my normal retirement benefits three months prior (July) to my full retirement month (October). Benefits would commence in November. However, when I check my Social Security account on line, it still shows my claim as processing in the initial stage - after almost four months from the application date. Shortly after applying I received a call from Social Security and was asked a few questions and was told everything was fine on my claim. I’ve since called Social Security back twice and was assured everything was ok. But my account still displays the initial/processing stage. Should I be worried?
Many thanks in advance for assisting with my question!
I guess not, but I have no idea what might be taking Social Security so long to process your claim. I'm sure the pandemic hasn't helped matters, but I have no way of knowing exactly how much that's affected Social Security's processing times. I would normally suggest following up with Social Security by phone, but it sounds like you've already done that more than once. Your claim has obviously been received by Social Security, so that part's fine. However, since your claim apparently still hasn't been processed so far, it sounds like your first payment may be delayed.
Best, Jerry