Ask Larry

Should my wife take her Spouse's benefit early?

Here is a question I never see. I'm 58 and my wife is 63. ( it's always the man is older and primary bread winner ) In our case I've been the primary bread winner and my wife raised the kids and had a few part time jobs so her Social Security is minimal. My company recently sold and with it my job went away. Should she look to take her SS now and if she did that what would that mean to the future SS payments to her when I become eligible for SS and she can collect on my earnings. I'm currently looking for employment.

If your wife takes her retirement benefit before her full retirement age it will be reduced. Her excess spouse's benefit will be one half of your retirement benefit at your full retirement age minus her retirement benefit at her full retirement age. So, her total benefit after you become entitled to your retirement benefit will be her reduced retirement benefit plus her excess spouse's benefit.


Jun 29 2016 - 12:45pm
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