Ask Larry

Filing For Benefits

Do I Need To Do Anything To Start My Benefits?

I will turn 70 on March 20, 2017. I applied for benefits and suspended them in Fall 2015. They have sent me a letter, which I received in December 2015, stating that my entitlement date is May 2015 and and my benefit rate is $1883. The letter also states that they will reinstate my benefits at age 70. Later last fall, they sent me a letter stating that my benefit amount was increased by approximately $8 due to income figures from 2015. The result is a benefit rate of $1991. This letter has been misplaced by me.

Friday, February 10, 2017 - 06:45

Can We Visit A Different Social Security Office Than The One Closest To Us?

My husband is 66.5 and plans on filing this month for benefits. A recent letter from SS says you receive an 8% increase for each year you delay filing until age 70. Question: if he waits until his 67th birthday (9/16); will he receive the 8% increase? I called Social Security with this question, and they advised us to go to my local office where they'd be able to do the projection. They further said we MUST go to the local office determined by our zip code (which is in an area we don't feel is safe). Are you aware of any rule that supports that?


Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - 05:30

How Do I Switch From Spousal Benefits To Benefits On My Own Record?


What is the process to switch from receiving spousal benefits to filing for benefits under your own earnings record/social security number?

I've scoured many social security websites but can't seem to find a concise answer.



You'll need to file a separate application to start benefits on your own record. If your own benefit rate is higher than the spousal benefit, the spousal benefits will stop when your own benefits start.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 - 07:45

How Far In Advance Do We Need To File?

My wife and I have run the maximization software. I will be 66 on July 16, 2018. My wife will be 64 on May 1, 2018. The software indicates that she should file for her own benefit in July, 2018, and that I should file for a spousal benefit that same month (July, 2018). Should my wife file before I file? If so, how far in advance of my filing should she file?

Hi David,

Monday, January 30, 2017 - 04:30

Will Social Security Know If My Wife Qualifies For Spousal Benefits?

When my wife files for social security benefits will the SSA automatically know and apply the spousal benefit for her ? She is eligible for a benefit on her own record but not as much as the spousal benefit will be.
Regards dlt


Your wife would need to file separate applications for retirement benefits and spousal benefits. The applications ask for marital information, and Social Security uses that information to determine if the person filing is eligible for spousal benefits.

Best, Jerry

Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 06:00

When Should I Apply For Social Security Benefits?

My wife retired at 62 to take care of aging mother and help daughters with our grandchildren. I am still working and just turned 65 and filed for Medicare. My goal is to keeping working as long as God gives me good mind and health, so would start taking SS at age 70. So when I turn 66, I need to file and suspend? So when I turn 70, I can go to SS website and say I am ready to start collecting? Is that all I need to do?

Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 10:30

Why Does The Online Application Ask About My Monthly Earnings In 2016?

I recently completed my Social Security retirement application online and didn't understand question 23, which asked to list each month of 2016 in which I did not or will not earn more than $1310? I am not eligible for benefits until March 2017. I thought these exempt months count only when I start receiving benefits. Thank you.


Saturday, December 3, 2016 - 14:45

Do Applications Have To Be Filed 3 Months In Advance?

Hi. My mother will turn 66 in March 2017. If she wants to apply for SS, does she need to do so three months before her actual birth date? If she does not do so, does she then have to wait until the following year?


No. Your mother could file her application anytime between now and the end of September 2017 and still be able to elect March 2017 as her month of entitlement. This is because applications filed after full retirement age can be retroactive for up to 6 months.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 11:45
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