Ask Larry

Filing Options

What Can I Do?

My husband (67years old) retired abandoned me (66 years old) in the state of Massachusetts and left me ( he goes to live in France ) with no financial support, a lot of unpaid billsand he refuses mail from me. What can I do?


I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise, and there's not enough information in your question for me to be able to offer you much help in that regard.

Monday, December 5, 2016 - 10:30

Is It True That I Should File For Retirement Benefits When I Reach Age 62?

I've been receiving SSI for 2years. I am now 62. SS OFFICE told me a few months back, when I turn 62, I should come back & apply for Social Security and I would also be receiving a raise in my monthly benifit. Is this true? And if so, would I be accepting a reduced payment for not waiting til I turn 65? Thanks for your help! God bless You


Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - 14:30

What Is My Best Strategy?

I am 57. My late husband died nine years ago and before he passed he drew Social Security Disability. I understand as his widow that I can file on his benefits when I turn 60? I was wondering will the fact that he was on disability for five or six years affect the amount that I receive as a widow? We were married 18 years. Also, I work part time, so would the amount I earn affect the widow's benefits? Also would I be better off drawing the widow's benefits until I am 70 and then filing on my own benefits?

Friday, November 4, 2016 - 08:45
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