Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Is It Better To Take SS At Age 62 And Invest It, Or Wait Until Full Retirement Age?

I’m 61 and my wife is 59. We are financially in good shape with no need to take SS early for living expenses. We are both in good health, my wife still works, I’m retired from my business, but still manage and do maintenance on rental properties we own. We have no debt. My question, is it better to take SS early, 62, and invest that income or wait for full retirement.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 08:04

Is It Better For Me To Start Drawing At Full Retirement Age And Invest The Benefits Or Wait Until Age 70?

I qualify to collect my full age retirement benefit (age 66.2 years). I'm still working and don't need the SS income. The additional income will move me to the next federal tax bracket (I'm at 24% now). Is it better to collect and invest all the monies or wait until 70 for the additional 8% per year increase?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 07:32

Is 'Gotcha #2' In Chapter 16 Of Your Book Correct?

I've enjoyed your second version of Get What's Yours but I am confused with one issue. My understanding is that if a widow benefit exceeds the widow's age 70 retirement benefit, it will generally be best to take your retirement benefit as early as 62 and your widow benefit at full retirement age (or earlier). However, in Chapter 16, Gotcha #2 indicates that once you file for your retirement benefit, you can never take an auxiliary benefit by itself. Is this inconsistent, at least with respect to widow benefits, or am I missing something?

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 13:05

Is It True That I Can Start Drawing Unreduced Widow's Benefits At Age 66 If My Full Retirement Age Is 66 & 8 Months?

I understand how to calculate break even if I do not take widow’s benefit $ 1541 age 60 but took widow’s PIA $ 2156 at my FRA of 66 years 8 months. I don’t know how to calculate break even if I take my own retirement $ 915 age 62 and then switched to widow’s benefit $ 2156 PIA at my FRA 66 years 8 months. I know there are many other things to consider when to take social security, but I want take this in to consideration as well. I have read your book several times.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 16:29

What Month Can I Start My Retirement Benefits And Continue To Work With No Reduction In Benefits?

I am full retirement age as of June 10, DOB 6/10/1955. What month should my retirement start since I want to continue to work with no reduction in benefits.

Hi. You could claim your benefits effective with as early as August 2021 without losing any benefits due to the Social Security earnings test. Full retirement age (FRA) for people born in 1955 is 66 & 2 months.

Thursday, September 16, 2021 - 12:02

If I Apply For Survivor Benefits Will It Lower What I Receive At Age 70?

I m 67 and and was laid off in 2020 due to covid, I have emergency savings and plan to wait until I am 70 to apply for SS. I am considering applying for my deceased spouse benefits ( I never remarried) the benefit is small, 463.00 a month but everything helps. If I take the retro on the spouse benefit, I think they said that would be around 3000 something. Will that lower my benefit when I retire at 70 ?

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 20:32

Will My Wife's Spousal Benefit Be Reduced If She Takes Her Own Benefit Early?

My retired wife is 65 (Nov 2021), I am 66 (June of 2021). We are financially set. I will retire and the end of 2021 but may work on 1099 for one year. My understanding is If I take SS at 70, and my wife takes her own benefit now (pretty low), It will reduce her spousal benefits when she reaches FRA. Am I correct?. Would this also affect the Family max?

Friday, September 10, 2021 - 13:33

Is There Anything That I'm Not Considering?

I'm trying to figure out the best time to claim Social Security. I just reached my full retirement age. I am self-employed and enjoy my work. My mother and grandmother died at age 92, so that's what I'm figuring my longevity will be. My initial plan was to wait until age 70 to claim, and work until then. Then I started thinking, what if I work those three years AND claim next year. I can more than make up for the benefits shortfall by working and there's no penalty because I've reached full retirement age.

Friday, September 10, 2021 - 09:36
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
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  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

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