Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Can't I Earn As Much As I'm Able To At FRA Without A Penalty?

I am confused by some of the blog concerning spousal benefits. My wife will be 63 in April and I reach my full retirement age in November 2018. We were planning for her to apply this month and when I reach my FRA in November apply for spousal benefits to maximize our social security. I am planning to work until age 70. It was mentioned somewhere that this would affect future earnings. However, at FRA can't I earn as much as I am able without subject to penalty?


Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 10:22

How Much Can My Wife And Child Receive?

1) I am 64 and 4 month. My full retirement age is 66.
2) I want to apply for early retirement benefit (today)
3) My kid is 14 years and 4 months
4) My wife is 47 years old.
If I apply for the benefit now, I won't receive any amount because my income earnings is way over the limit ($17,040 in 2018). In this case, my wife and my kid (1) may qualify to receive some amount based on my retirement benefit.
questions: If the kid and my wife are quality to receive their benefit, when do they get the benefit amount ?

Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 09:28

What Is The Best Strategy For Us?

what is the best strategy for us. I was born in 1953 and my social security is double my wife's. She was born in 1952. I intend to wait until 70 to collect. What should my wife do?


My best guess with that limited information would be for your wife to file for her benefits either at age 66 or when you reach age 66. That would then permit you to draw spousal benefits from age 66 until age 70, at which time you could switch to your own record.

Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 07:06

Is My Best Path Still To Claim Widow's Benefits At Age 66?

Hi Larry & colleagues, My husband passed away ten years ago at age 53. I am currently 64 and will turn 65 this summer. I work full time at a modest wage and do not forsee retirement for quite a few years if my health cooperates. I was advised at my social security office to apply for my own ss benefits which I did two years ago. I have received four monthly payments each year beginning in Sept & ending in Dec. I was told I could earn a certain amount each year & then collect part of my benefit (if this met my financial needs).

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 06:51

Can I Claim Spousal Benefits When My Wife Files At Age 62?

As of today I am 66 years and 1 month old (born December, 1951) and my wife is 61 years and 6 months old (born September 1956). Both of us are retired and have not claimed social security benefits as of now.
1. Can I claim spousal benefits when she files at age 62?
2. Can she claim spousal benefits at age 62 if both of us claim social security when she turns 62?


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 09:33

What Is The Best Way For My Mother And Step-Father To Maximize Their Benefits?

My deceased father (born 1938) pass at 60. My mom started collecting her full at 65. She also remarried and my stepdad (born 1953) who worked for about 10yrs in USA as he immigrated but now is a citizen. He wants to collect SS at 66 so next year. What is the best way to maximize SS for them? Thanks!


Sunday, January 28, 2018 - 16:00

Are We Making The Right Decisions?

I will be 62 in February and worked full time from 1976-2003. I appled for early benefits in December 2017 to begin March 2018 - $1500+. My husband is 68 and applied for benefits in January - $2,800+ and received credits totaling $19,000+ which we have received. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and is one year into treatment. Are we making the right decisions? Also, if my husband dies before my FRA, can I delay applying for widow’s benefits until I reach FRA to receive 100% of my husband’s benefit? Thank you


Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 07:33

When Could My Husband Qualify For Spousal Benefits?

Hi Larry! My husband and I both reach full retirement age (66) this year, he in April, me in September. My social security monthly benefit is less than one-half of my husband's. We are trying to decide who should file for the spousal benefit for 4 years, while the other waits until age 70 to file. Also, if my husband takes the spousal, does he need to wait until September when I'm eligible to apply for full benefits and then would he file for a retroactive payment to his full retirement date which is 5 months earlier than mine?

Thursday, January 18, 2018 - 09:28

Which Social Security Representative Is Correct?

I am 62 my wife passed away in sept at age 60. I visited the SS office and was told I could not claim a survivors benefit on my wife’s record and later switch to my record at fra or age 70. I would have to choose either her or my record and I could start at reduced rate or at fra or at. age 70. The calculation was good for 6 mo. I went back and got a totally different story. The gentleman said I could file for survivor benefits on my wife’s and later switch to my record at a higher benefit.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 - 06:16
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