Ask Larry


If I Start Drawing Social Security Do I Need To Enroll In Parts A,B,C & D Of Medicare Right Away?

I am 68 still working , have not started social security and I'm covered for medical and prescriptions through my job. I am working on filling in the calculator but may need to start SS due to financial issues. If I do, so I need to start Medicare A,B,C and D right away.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - 10:02

Does My Appeal Have Any Merit?

I was stunned to find out that SSA will surcharge Medicare payments for all capital gains on the sale of your primary home.(1/3 of a 2 family in my case) Thankfully for one calendar year only. I was at FRA in 2018, the year I sold my house, but delayed claim until the end of of 2019 for the increased benifit. I was notified of the surcharge shortly after my claim. I filed an appeal:
1-based on that it was , partially (1/3) my primary residence for 20 years, and I have no intention of buying another house again.

Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 13:55

If My Wife And I File A Joint Tax Return Will We Both Be Required To Pay Higher Premiums For Medicare?

Both my wife and I collect Social Security. I am still working full time and I earn military retirement pay. My wife works 1 day per week and has very low income. I am 67 and already on Medicare. My wife will turn 65 in may 2020. Our AGI on our joint tax return has required me to pay an IRMAA each year, taken directly out of my Social Security payment. I earn about 90% of the income in our AGI on our tax return.

Can I Pay My Medicare Premiums Monthly Rather Than Quarterly?

I received my first Medicare pre,ium bill, and was surprised to find that the amount due is based on a quarterly payment schedule.
Can I instead pay monthly?


Probably not. Part B Medicare premiums are billed on a quarterly basis if they can't be withheld from a person's benefits, although if a person is also paying premiums for Part A of Medicare then they're billed monthly. If and when you start drawing Social Security benefits, your Part B premiums will then be deducted on a monthly basis.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 17:30

Will I Be Able To CLaim Medicare On My Husband's Record When I Reach Retirement Age?

Hi- My spouse is 37 years older than I- he is 73. He is on medicare and gets a check from Social Security every month. Will i be able to claim Medicare through his record when i reach retirement age, even in the event that he passes way before i reach retirement age? Also will i get a certain portion of his Social Sec check at retirement age? I have been reading rules but wasnt sure i was interpreting them correctly. We are trying to plan so this will be helpful to know. thank you.


Friday, September 27, 2019 - 16:47

Do I Need To Sign Up For Medicare If I'm Receiving Widow's Benefits?

I have received Widows benefits since I turned 60. I am turning 65 in December. Do I have to sign up on Medicare or can I still receive Widows benefits. Thank you so much. Mary

Hi Mary,

No, since you are already drawing widow's benefits you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare starting with the first day of the month you reach age 65. You should receive a Medicare card with instructions in the mail about 2 to 3 months before the month you reach age 65.

Best, Jerry

Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 09:50

Will Medicare Reimburse Me For The Payments I Made Before They Admitted Their Mistake?

Hello Larry. Medicare made a determination that I had to pay my own Medicare Parts A and B, and later Medicare admitted that they made a mistake and I was eligible for free Part A and the normal rate for Part B. Will Medicare reimburse me for the payments I made before they admitted their mistake? Thank you.


Yes, if Medicare overcharged you for premiums they should refund any excess premiums that you paid. However, without knowing the details of your case I can't be sure that you are due a refund.

Best, Jerry

Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 10:59
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