Ask Larry

Is There Any Way To Find The PIA Needed For Spousal Calculations?

I'm currently age 66 yrs 8 months. My wife and I are planning a spousal strategy (using the software) and I need to know my age 66 PIA. The SS website seems to only show my "current benefit", presumably with some delayed credits. Is there a way I can find the PIA needed for the spousal calculations?


If you're a subscriber to our software, you should be able to calculate both your PIA (primary insurance amount) as well as your wife's PIA. Unreduced spousal benefits are calculated at 50% of the spouse's PIA on whose record the benefits are paid, assuming that the spouse filing for spousal benefits isn't also receiving their own benefits. The software can handle all of the pertinent calculations for you.

If you have any questions about use of the software or your results, please use an online contact form available on the help menu.

Best, Jerry

Jan 7 2018 - 5:17pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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