Ask Larry

Is There Any Way That I Can Continue To Receive Spousal Benefits And Also Apply For Retirement Benefits?

please help, i recevied Spousal benefits for only $415.00 a month an in January i will only recevied $478.00 is there any way that i can recevied Spousal benefits an apply for retirement benefits, not trying to be greedy but for years now i have been living off of $415.00 a month when i tried to apply for Retirement benefits they turn me down saying that i did not qualify because i did not work long enough, but now i am 68yrs old and work a parttime job i have been working there since April this year can i apply for retirement benefits now, please tell me what i should do Thank U.

Hi. You can certainly apply for Social Security retirement benefits, but you'll only be approved if you have at least 40 quarters (QC) of Social Security coverage ( And, if you do qualify for retirement benefits, you'll only be paid a higher total benefit rate than you currently receive if your retirement benefit amount is higher than your spousal benefit amount.

When a person qualifies for more than one type of Social Security benefit they can't be paid more than the higher of the two benefit rates. Therefore, if you apply for retirement benefits and if your retirement benefit rate is lower than your spousal rate, Social Security will offset your spousal rate dollar for dollar by the amount of your retirement benefit rate.

If you contact Social Security they should be able to tell you whether or not you have at least 40 QCs, and if so, whether or not your retirement benefit rate would be higher than your spousal rate.

Best, Jerry

Dec 23 2022 - 9:38pm
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