Ask Larry

Was I Given The Wrong Information By Social Security?

Did I get the correct information from the local Social Security Office?

I was on social security disability from Sept. 2011 to June 2016 when I turned age 66. I receive $789.00 per month before taking out the Medicare payment . April 2016 I called my local social security office to ask if I would be able to suspend my SS benefit in June, 2016 at age 66 and file for half my husbands benefit and delay my SS payment until I turned 70. I was told no that it automatically converted to my full SS benefit payment at 66. My husband started receiving his SS benefit at age 62 and is now age 67. He receives $1,587.00 before Medicare payment. Was I given the wrong information?
Thank You,

Hi Elaine,

No, it sounds like what you were told is correct. You could voluntarily suspend your benefits when you turn 66 in order to receive delayed retirement credits (DRC), but you cannot receive benefits on anyone else's record while your own benefits are in suspense (

Best, Jerry

Apr 7 2017 - 5:45am
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