Ask Larry

What Am I Missing?

We were born in 1961 so our FRA is 67. I know you state to wait until 70 to collect SS but I am having a difficult time making sense of this. Combined SS at 70 for us would equal $5,500 per month. I would have to use almost $200,000 of my retirement funds to live on from the age of 67-70 ($5,500X36). This 200,000 would be invested in very conservative investments.

If I collected at 67, I could invest this $200,00 money for more income potential.. If I retired at 67, I would have to use $200,000 of my retirement income for the next 3 years. Spending this retirement savings to get a little more in Social Security does not make sense. What am I missing?


For Larry's thoughts on this subject, refer to the following article:

Best, Jerry

Apr 26 2018 - 7:35am
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