I've been on SSI recently received a letter from Social Security stating that I had to come in and get on Social Security. So I did. As a result of making 3 dollars a.month to much money, I'm now left disabled with no medical help. What can I do? I'm already being paid below poverty level.
I wish I could help you, but I really don't know what to tell you. Social Security is my only area of expertise, so I'm not sure what other sources of assistance might be available to you.
I can tell you that in order to be eligible for SSI (Supplemental Security Income), you are required to file for any Social Security benefits that you qualify for as soon as you become eligible for those benefits. So, it sounds like you had no real choice other than to file for your Social Security benefits. But, it sounds like the income from your Social Security benefits is now too high for you to continue to qualify for SSI.
You could file an appeal with Social Security, but that won't help you unless they've made a mistake in the processing of your case. Otherwise, you may want to check with the Department of Social Services in your area to see if you qualify for any other types of assistance.
Best, Jerry