I. Have had. My. grandsonsence. He was. Born his parents. R in jail. I. Have his B.C. but I. don't have. S Scard. I. No he. Has one. The. OtherG parents had, it. and lost. It. and I don't. No. What. To do
If your grandson is a minor and you're his legal guardian then you can apply for a replacement Social Security card for him. The application form can be obtained from Social Security, or you can download one here: https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ss-5.pdf. You'll need to submit proof of guardianship and proof of your identity (e.g. drivers license, state i.d. card), as well as proof of identity for your grandson (e.g. school record, doctor or health record).
Best, Jerry
Apr 10 2020 - 10:27am