Hi Larry,
I'm single and still working at age 64. My 2 children are healthy and on their own. Is there anything that a single person can do? Would it be a good idea to pay the $40 for your web site review? I plan on working till at least 66 and probably longer.
Thanks Larry
Hi Doug,
If you are single and divorced for at least two years after having been married for at least 10 years, you may be eligible for divorced spouse's benefits when your Ex turns 62. In which case it may be best for you to take divorced spouse's benefits at age 66 and delay your retirement benefit until age 70.
If you are single and never married, then your maximum lifetime benefits will be to take your retirement benefits at age 70.
MaximizeMySocialSecurity will determine your best filing strategy as well as letting you compare any alternative strategy to the maximized strategy.