Ask Larry

What Type Of Income Counts Toward The Income Limit?

I plan on retiring this year at age 62 taking widower benefits (spouse past young) and my minor son will take mine. I plan on working up to the allowable amount, but want to make sure the following does not count toward that amount:
Son monthly amount
Any stimulus if that should happen
The monthly child tax credit that is beginning
Any “profit” from IRA’s, investments or non vested pensions that I don’t plan on using now.

Thank you so much!

Hi. I'm not sure that I fully understand your plan, but your son can't qualify for child's benefits based on your earnings history unless and until you start drawing benefits on your own account.

The only income that counts for purposes of Social Security's earnings test is earned income, specifically wages or self-employment earnings. None of the items you listed would be considered as earned income.

You may want to strongly consider using our software ( to fully analyze the options available to you in order to determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jun 9 2021 - 10:11pm
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