Ask Larry

What Would Happen To My Husband's Social Security If He Wins His Lawsuit Against His Former Employer?

My husband was terminated after 40 years for no good reason. He is suing for age discrimination. Our lawyer says we have a very good case. He is 63. He just applied to get social security as he feels he will probably not get a job and we need the income. He is suing for back pay, forward pay and loss of benefits. If he wins, what happens with his social security benefit?

Hi. As long as your husband doesn't return to work for his former employer, then any money that he gets in the form of settlement wouldn't cause him to lose any of his Social Security benefits.

Your husband may want to strongly consider using our software ( to fully compare and analyze all of his various filing options in order to make sure that he's choosing the best possible strategy for maximizing his benefits.

Best, Jerry

Mar 19 2023 - 9:56pm
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