I am 65, disabled, and been collecting SSDI. I started getting survivor benefits at 57. Husband died at 42 and never collected SS. When I turn 66, will I still get his reduced amount or 100%? This is my only income. It is going to be hard future. Thank you
Hi. Assuming that you started drawing Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits prior to or at the same time as when you started drawing widow's benefits, then your widow's rate should be recalculated effective with the month you reach full retirement age (FRA) to remove any reduction for age. The processing of that recalculation may not happen immediately when you reach FRA, but when it is processed Social Security should make up any shortage of benefits you're paid starting with the month you reach FRA.
Just to clarify, when you're already drawing SSDI benefits and you become eligible for disabled widow's benefits (DWB), your DWB rate is first calculated by subtracting your full SSDI rate from your spouse's primary insurance amount (PIA). The difference, if positive, is then reduced for age by 28.5% if you start drawing DWB prior to age 60. That 28.5% reduction is then removed effective at FRA for people whose entitlement to SSDI preceded or started concurrently with their entitlement to DWB. That results in the person being paid their spouse's full PIA assuming that the deceased spouse died prior to FRA and they didn't collect reduced retirement benefits prior to their death. To be clear, though, the surviving spouse could be paid no more than the higher of their own benefit rate or their spouse's full rate, not both.
Best, Jerry